المجلة الدولية لنشر البحوث والدراسات

International Journal of Research and Studies Publishing

المجلة الدولية لنشر البحوث والدراسات

The Evolution of Network Wireless Communication (A Case Study for Jeddah City)

By: Rakan Ahmed Arab

Master of Business Administration (MBA), Business Administration Department, Jeddah International College, Saudi Arabia


The aim of this study is to provide the historical development of the different types of Cellular network generations. This study discussed the evolution of cellular networks from 1G to 5G and explained how 6G, which will bloom in 2030, is better than 5G. This study focused on showing how did 5G improve communication networks and how the development of 6G will improve network communication and shape our lives. The study demonstrated that the Saudi Ministry of Communications and Information Technology started incorporating the 6G wireless technology and announced that it will be the successor to 5G cellular technology by 2030. Moreover, this study surveyed 57 participants to show their knowledge level of cellular networks and their needs for network characteristics and evolution. In addition, this study conducted an interview with cellular network companies operating in KSA to understand technical issues of network deployment and the need to implement new network communication technologies. Finally, the most findings of this study are that about 60% of participants mentioned that there is a slight difference between 4G and 5G. the participant if they had heard of 6G, about 79% of the participants didn’t know it yet and never heard of 6G. (84.2%) answered that they have 5G network coverage in their district. The study recommends that telecom companies spread awareness about the 6G for the public, as well as the all advantages of the 5G, as well as the need to conduct more studies in other cities in the Kingdom, and allocate each company specifically.


Evolution, Network Wireless Communication, 5G, 6G, Jeddah City

Master of Business Administration (MBA), Business Administration Department, Jeddah International College, Saudi Arabia

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