المجلة الدولية لنشر البحوث والدراسات

International Journal of Research and Studies Publishing

المجلة الدولية لنشر البحوث والدراسات

Job Satisfaction and Employees’ Turnover Intentions (An Empirical Study of Universities in Saudi Arabia)

By: Aisha Khalil Koshak (1), Dr. Nadin Fahd Almadni (2), Dr. Dana Monzer Rajkhan (3)

MBA, Jeddah International College, Saudi Arabia (1)
Assistant professor, Tourism Department, Jeddah International College, Saudi Arabia (2)
Lecturer, Business Department, Jeddah International College, Saudi Arabia (3)


This study investigates the connection between employees' intentions to turnover their jobs and their level of job satisfaction at Saudi Arabian universities. A valid and trustworthy questionnaire including aspects like pay, advancement, leadership quality, benefits, recognition, working conditions, and communication was used to gather data from 274 employees using a quantitative research approach. Software called SPSS-20 was used to examine the gathered data. The investigation of the significant effects of job satisfaction on turnover intentions was done using simple regression analysis. There was a notably positive correlation found between the variables under investigation. According to the data, the main factors influencing increased turnover intentions are inadequate recognition, unfavourable working conditions, and little prospects for promotion. On the other hand, decreased turnover intentions were linked to leadership quality and job satisfaction. The study emphasizes how important job satisfaction is in determining how long employees stay in academic environments. In the context of Saudi Arabian universities, their findings are noteworthy because they offer information that can guide the development of staff well-being and turnover rate reduction strategies. Nevertheless, the cross-sectional methodology of the study and its concentration on a particular regional context limit it, indicating the need for additional research to generalize these findings over time and in diverse settings. To further our understanding of the relationships between job satisfaction and turnover intentions, future research should examine longitudinal trends, integrate qualitative methodologies, and consider larger demographic and cultural aspects.


Turnover intentions, Job satisfaction, KSA universities, Leadership quality, Staff well-being.

MBA, Jeddah International College, Saudi Arabia (1)
Assistant professor, Tourism Department, Jeddah International College, Saudi Arabia (2)
Lecturer, Business Department, Jeddah International College, Saudi Arabia (3)

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