The relationship between ethical leadership style and employees’ voice behavior (The mediating role of employees’ psychological empowerment)
Hajar Shuaib Mohamed
Dr. Nafisa Mohamed Bashry
Dr. Ahmed Hassan Ali
Master of Business Administration, Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University, Egypt
Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University, Egypt
Assistant Professor, Arab East College for Graduate Studies, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
This study aimed to examine the relationship between the ethical leadership style and the employees’s Voice behavior through the mediating role of psychological empowerment by applying to public sector banks in Greater Cairo (National Bank of Egypt, Banque Misr, Banque du Caire). To achieve the objectives of the study, it was relied on taking a non probability sample to reach the target sample - and more specifically - the Snowball Sampling method, which had a size of 306 individuals with a response rate (80%). Research and test hypotheses through structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis, depending on the program (Smart PLS v.3). The Experimental results of the research resulted in a direct positive impact of ethical leadership on both the psychological empowerment of employee (as a mediator variable), and the employee's Voice behavior (as a dependent variable) in its two dimensions, the promotive voice behavior, and the prohibitive voice behavior. The results also showed the direct positive effect of psychological empowerment on the promotive voice behavior, while there was no effect of psychological empowerment on the prohibitive voice behavior. The research presented several recommendations that emphasize the importance of taking into account the selection of individuals with ethical potential, in addition to creating an ethical work culture that motivates subordinates (as future leaders) to follow ethical behaviors and limit unethical behaviors, as well as the need to emphasize On what is called “Voice Safety” and “Voice Effectiveness,” which means that individuals feel safe (lack of fears resulting from anticipating negative outcomes related to individuals’ display of vocal behaviors)
Ethical leadership, Psychological empowerment of employees, the employee's Voice behavior.
Master of Business Administration, Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University, Egypt
Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University, Egypt
Assistant Professor, Arab East College for Graduate Studies, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
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