Exploring Educators’ Perspectives on Implementing Dual-Language Immersion Education Programs among Sharjah Private School Students
Dr. Alexandria A. Proff
Dr. Sharon Kay Waller
Zuha M. Samir Oweira
Assistant Professor of Education, Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences, American University of Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates
Master of Education in Educational Leadership, American University of Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates
Since teachers and academic administrators are the main axes in the educational process, this study aimed to explore their perspectives on implementing dual-language immersion programs in Sharjah private schools. Moreover, it was keen to emphasize the importance of speaking two different languages for children’s self-efficacy, life improvement, academic achievement, and community engagement, where the child in his early life stages is more able to comprehend, memorize, and learn. The research presents a study about children that are bilingual having better social interactions with people from different cultures. Dual-language programs might raise their chances of success in the real world and in the workplace, lead to new career prospects, and provide them with the ability to travel and interact with people from other cultures. Private schools that offer dual-language instruction guarantee that students will learn the second language at a level commensurate with their proficiency in the first. Moreover, the research refers to the large population diversity represented by the different nationalities, languages, and cultures located in the UAE, which helps to achieve this implementation. Furthermore, this study shows the encouragement and support of parents for their children to achieve this goal. The scope of the research was tight where it concentrated only on the Emirate of Sharjah. It should be expanded to include the seven emirates of the UAE and reach more educators' opinions from different nationalities and different schools that follow different educational curriculums. Broadening the scope of the search and making it more comprehensive will ensure clearer and more accurate results.
Dual-Language Immersion Programs, Teachers and Academic Administrators, Sharjah Private Schools
Assistant Professor of Education, Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences, American University of Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates
Master of Education in Educational Leadership, American University of Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates
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