Strategic Planning Using the Balanced Scorecard and its Impact on Marketing Creativity within the Organization in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (a Field Study on a Group of Private Sector Companies in the Dammam Industrial Area)
Dr. May Sharaf Almeer
Dr. Abhijit Ghosh
Dr. Mohamed Anas Shamsy
DBA in Business Administration, College of Business Administration, University of Lincoln, Malaysia
Ph.D. in Business Administration, University of Bourgogne, Dijon, France
The study aimed to clarify the role of strategic planning using the balanced scorecard and its impact on marketing creativity within the organization in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and to find out the extent to which the organization adopted the concept of marketing creativity, and to measure the impact of using the value-added perspective and the internal process perspective on it.
The research problem is that some companies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia face severe regional competition, which requires them to increase work by increasing their marketing capacity in line with the importance of the role they play in attracting customers by developing the various operations they carry out to meet their needs and desires and develop work methods according to Modern management concepts, the most important of which is the balanced scorecard, which leads to increased marketing creativity within these organizations. Organizations are well aware of the importance of evaluating the performance of their activities in general, and marketing creativity in particular. Although the balanced scorecard enjoys a privileged position among performance appraisal tools, and has witnessed wide application in European and American organizations, the application of this tool still witnesses clear shortcomings in developing countries, especially the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The study population included a group of private sector companies in the industrial area of Dammam, Saudi Arabia. The descriptive analytical method was used to analyze the data. The results indicated that there is a statistically significant effect of at least one of the dimensions of the balanced scorecard in promoting marketing creativity in the organizations under study, and that there is a statistically significant effect of the customer dimension as one of the dimensions of using the balanced scorecard in promoting marketing innovation, and that there is a statistically significant effect of the value dimension Additive for stakeholders in promoting marketing innovation.
Strategic Planning, Balanced Scorecard, Marketing Creativity.
DBA in Business Administration, College of Business Administration, University of Lincoln, Malaysia
Ph.D. in Business Administration, University of Bourgogne, Dijon, France
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معلومات المجلة
الإسم: المجلة الدولية لنشر البحوث والدراسات
الإختصار: INJRSP
تردد النشر: شهرياً
2709-7064 :ISSN
6 :UDC
فترة التحكيم الأولي: 7 أيام
نموذج النشر: open access
موعد إصدار العدد القادم
20 - 2 - 2025م
آخر موعد لإستلام البحوث
14 - 2 - 2025م
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الإصدار الحالي:
Vol 6 No 63 (January) (2025)
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