International Journal of Research and Studies Publishing
Obstacles to Teaching Mathematics in Middle School for Female Students with Learning DifficultiesNourah Amro Al-Alweet
Mathematics Teacher, Ministry of Education, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Abstract: This study aimed to identify the obstacles to teaching mathematics among female students with learning difficulties in the intermediate stage, and to achieve the objectives of the study, the descriptive survey method was used, and the researcher used the questionnaire as a tool for her study, and the study sample consisted of (240) teachers who were randomly selected. The study found a set of results, the most notable of which are the following: There is broad agreement among mathematics teachers on the obstacles they face when teaching mathematics to students with learning difficulties, where school and organizational obstacles come first, followed by obstacles to mathematics curriculum content, and third. Obstacles to evaluation come, and in the end the obstacles to teaching methods and appropriate qualification are the least obstacles that face female teachers of mathematics when teaching mathematics to students with learning difficulties for the intermediate stage, and the results showed that there is agreement to a large degree among the teachers of learning difficulties on the obstacles they face when teaching mathematics to female students Learning difficulties for the intermediate stage, where the obstacles related to the curriculum content for mathematics come first, followed by the school and organizational obstacles, and in the third rank are the obstacles to teaching methods and appropriate qualification, and in the last place the evaluation obstacles are the least obstacles that face teachers with learning difficulties when teaching mathematics to students with learning difficulties for the stage The mean, and the results also showed that there were differences between me The averages of the responses of the study members about the obstacles to teaching methods and the appropriate qualification that face female teachers of sports and learning difficulties in teaching mathematics for students with learning difficulties in the middle stage according to the different teaching location variable, in favor of the learning difficulties teachers. Keywords: disabilities, mathematics, teaching, learning difficulties
Mathematics Teacher, Ministry of Education, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
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المجلة الدولية لنشر البحوث والدراسات مجلة علمية محكمة متخصصة في نشر الابحاث العلمية في مختلف التخصصات، تصدر المجلة الدولية دورياً كل شهر. تصدر المجلة في المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية
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جميع الحقوق © محفوظة المجلة الدولية لنشر البحوث والدراسات 2019