المجلة الدولية لنشر البحوث والدراسات

International Journal of Research and Studies Publishing

المجلة الدولية لنشر البحوث والدراسات

Covid-19 impact on the Entrepreneurial practices in Small startups

Eydaros Misky1, Sultan Alzahrani1, and Mowffaq Oreijah1,2

Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Umm Al-Qurra University, Saudi Arabia1
Mechanical Engineering Dept., College of Engineering, Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia2


COVID-19 has disrupted the global economy and the pandemic impact on businesses has been devastating. The majority of the enterprises suffered the lockdown consequences and the entrepreneurial small startups have been the most to struggle from the pandemic impacts such as financial deficiency, drop in sales, loss of customers, and shut down permanently. Due to their lack of skills and experience, they couldn’t diversify their product sources and distribution. On the other hand, some small startups have gained huge profits due to the pandemic which included online commercials for sanitizers and masks, and some specialize in food and beverage products. This paper research reviews the impact and the survival strategies for entrepreneurial small startups during the ongoing crisis of COVID-19. A review of the literature includes reviewing all the relevant scientific published data and an included case study represents a practical example that highlights the impact of COVID-19 on the small enterprises.


COVID-19, small startups, Entrepreneurship, crises.

Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Umm Al-Qurra University, Saudi Arabia1
Mechanical Engineering Dept., College of Engineering, Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia2
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المجلة الدولية لنشر البحوث والدراسات

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جميع الحقوق © محفوظة المجلة الدولية لنشر البحوث والدراسات 2019